Project Report | Report

Crab Culture Value Chain Development under FEDEC Project – The Case of Crab Culture in Satkhira, Bangladesh

Crab Culture Value Chain Development under FEDEC Project: The Case of Crab Culture in Satkhira, Bangladesh
Author :  –
Editor :  –
Publisher : PROCASUR
Edition :
Language : English
Dated : 2014-2015
ISBN :  –
Copyright : The contents of this publication, including all figures, tables, and drawings, are the intellectual property of PROCASUR. All rights reserved. Removal or alteration of copyright notices or trademarks is not permitted. The distribution or reproduction of this publication or parts thereof for commercial use is not permitted without the explicit written authorization of PROCASUR.
Price : Not mentioned
Total page : 23
Hard copy :
Soft copy : PROCASUR
Topics : Crab Culture Value Chain Development Sub-Project; Experience of Crab Farmers in Satkhira; Improving Crab Culture Techniques and Enhancing Organizational Capacity through FEDEC; Analysis of Crab Farmers’ Experience: Good Practices, Lessons Learned, Challenges and Opportunities
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