Book/Booklet | Technical Paper

An assessment of impacts from shrimp aquaculture in Bangladesh and prospects for improvement

An assessment of impacts from shrimp aquaculture in Bangladesh and prospects for improvement
Author :
Editor : Mostafa A.R. Hossain and Mohammad R. Hasan
Publisher : FAO
Edition :
Language : English
Dated : 2017
ISBN : 978-92-5-130007-7
Copyright : © FAO 2017
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Price : Not mentioned
Total page : 96
Hard copy :
Soft copy : FAO
Topics : Fisheries and aquaculture in Bangladesh; Impact of shrimp farming; Improving and streamlining the impact of shrimp farming
Citation : Hossain MAR and Hasan MR (2017) An assessment of impacts from shrimp aquaculture in Bangladesh and prospects for improvement. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 618. Rome, FAO. 96 pp.


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