Report | Strategy / Aaction plan

National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan of Bangladesh 2016-2021 (NBSAP 2016-2021)

National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan of Bangladesh 2016-2021 (NBSAP 2016-2021)
Author :
Editor :
Publisher : Department of Environment, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Edition :
Language : English
Dated :
Copyright : Not mentioned
Price : Not mentioned
Total page : 119
Hard copy :
Soft copy : Conservation on Biological Diversity (cbd int)
Topics : Trends of Biodiversity loss in Bangladesh, Importance of Biodiversity, Mainstreaming of Biodiversity and NBSAP, National Targets and Activities Towards Implementation of NBSAP, Capacity Development for Implementation of NBSAP, Resources Mobilization Towards Implementation of NBSAP, Coordination, Monitoring and Reporting of NBSAP etc.
Notes :


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