Report | Workshop

Sustainable Management of Fisheries Resources of the Bay of Bengal- Compilation of national and regional workshop reports

Sustainable Management of Fisheries Resources of the Bay of Bengal
Author :
Editor : M.G. Hussain and Md. Enamul Hoq
Publisher : Support to Sustainable Management of the BOBLME Project, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute
Edition :
Language : English
Dated : March 2010
ISBN : 978-984-33-1680-6
Copyright : Not mentioned
Price : Not mentioned
Total page : 123
Hard copy :
Soft copy :
Topics : Bangladesh coastal and marine fisheries, and environment; Marine fisheries resources of Bangladesh: Stock status and management issues; Impacts of climate change on coastal and marine fisheries resources in Bangladesh; National Plan of Action for shark fisheries in Bangladesh; Towards a collective action to meet the growing challenges of resource management 91 and livelihoods of small scale fishers in the Bay of Bengal; Marine and coastal resources of Bangladesh: BOBLME project implication; Coastal and Marine Ecosystem- Bangladesh: Basic facts
Citation : Hussain, M.G. and Hoq, M.E. (eds.). 2010. Sustainable Management of Fisheries Resources of the Bay of Bengal- Compilation of national and regional workshop reports. Support to Sustainable Management of the BOBLME Project, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute. SBOBLMEP Pub./Rep. 2. 122 p.


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